Sunday, September 7, 2008

Tomorrow it is

Tomorrow's the big day. I can't let myself chicken out or get lazy. Which reminds me to look up that training schedule again. I'm nervous but excited. I keep reminding myself that while it's going to hurt and be kinda sucky, especially at first, eventually it won't be as bad and according to the lore I might actually come to enjoy it. Besides, I definitely need those feel good endorphins! I think too of the little nieces and nephews I want to be here for and smile at the thought of them cheering for me at the finish line.

Okay, so some of them won't even really know what's going on and the majority (if not all) won't even remember, but I will. And so will the other adult members of my family. Perhaps I can even be a good example to the other adults. While I do take full responsibility for my part in my lack of fitness and weight I can't bear the full brunt of it. I fully believe genetics plays a role and I definitely received the genetic short stick when it comes to athletic ability and weight issues. Even with a healthy diet and plenty of activity as a child I was a chunk.

I'll also accept, perhaps due to that in part, I will likely never be thin but I can at least be fit and healthy. I don't equate fit with thin. Studies have proven that plenty of fat people are healthy and more fit than many of their thin counterparts. Yes, I said "fat." It's how I see myself. If you are offended by my usage of it then you need to ask yourself how you see yourself. I don't think of the word itself as derogatory. It only becomes so by the person using it and the meaning they are trying to convey.

I guess I could just say "excess of adipose tissue." Look it up though (if you don't already know) and you'll find that it's just a fancy way of saying "excess of fat." Again, the word itself isn't derogatory. After all, many would be well pleased to have a fat bank account. I will grant that there are those who use it in a nasty manner, but I can't help that. I know who and what I am. My fat is a part of the whole, but it is not me.

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