Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 7

I'm well into Day 7 now. I still don't think I'm ready to hang out with other smokers. (Sorry family!!) But I made it through two long phone calls, which are a trigger, and am working to make it through a business type thing away from home which is another. I have a lot of triggers. 

So far so good. I get some intense seeming cravings but they seem to pass. Seeing other smokers will still trigger them too. (Word to the wise - watching X-file reruns while trying to quit is a bad idea. CSM smokes A LOT.) I also can't watch those quit smoking commercials. They show people smoking and talking about how hard it is. Really? No kidding and you aren't helping. Thankfully I don't watch much TV and most of what I do watch is DVR'd so I can just FF through them. Ha - take that evil smoke inducers.

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