Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I had a dream

Unfortunately, it wasn't as world changing as MLK Jr's dream. (Not to mention my was a literal dream!)

I dreamed that I smoked on Day 7, without even realizing it. I have no idea where I got the cigs, especially since they weren't mine. They were what I smoked awhile back but haven't smoked in some time. There were other people around but I can't visualize who it was. I looked at the cigarette and at them saying "I just smoked without even realizing it! What's wrong with me?!

I think it's a good thing though that I was disappointed. I remember in the dream thinking "Well, crap, that just ruined my streak, now I have to start all over again!" I won't type what I said in the dream.

Is this my subconscious encouraging me to keep on going? Or just a manifestation of my fixation?

Either way I'm taking it as a good sign. I need to celebrate Day 8!

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